Siemens NX Open
Customzied Add-on solutions for more efficiency in NX and for a streamlined and digitized process chain.
neoapps | Themes
A CAD system such as NX from Siemens DISW offers a variety of different functions for completing development tasks. But what if the limits of what is feasible are reached? What if processes or procedures need to be further automated? This is exactly where Siemens NX Open comes in and opens up limitless automation potential to all Siemens NX users.
What is Siemens NX Open?
NX Open is a very powerful programming interface. NX Open allows you to create company or industry-specific add-on solutions for NX. So-called add-ons. These additional applications solve individual tasks that make your daily work in NX easier and thus increase your productivity.
The Benefits of NX Open in a nutshell
Increased Efficiency
Use NX Open to create industry and company-specific applications. These simplify processes and procedures in Siemens NX.
More Standardization
With NX Open you can create add-ons that help you build standardized CAD models. This lays the foundation for error-free processes.
Higher Automation
Mit NX Open realisieren Sie zusätzliches Potential in der Automatisierung Ihrer Prozesskette in der gesamten Produktentwicklung.
NX Open is the ultimate lever for Siemens NX to squeeze every last ounce of performance out of the CAD system.
Volker Dannbeck
neoapps, Senior Softwaredeveloper
What licenses are there for Siemens NX Open?
Siemens provides different licenses for NX Open. Here is a brief overview of the most common licenses:
- NX Open Dialog Designers:
The Dialog Designer is the basic license for developing attractive dialogs with the typical NX look and feel. It provides all the libraries and documentation required to create the dialogs. - NX Open .NET Author:
This license provides the NX.NET API libraries, documentation and some utilities required to build custom .NET applications. Each NX Gateway license can run .NET applications. A runtime license is not required. - NX Open Toolkits Author:
This license provides an extended API for the programming languages C++, .NET, Java and Python. NX Open GRIP is not included. A runtime license is not required. The successful execution of a program depends only on the availability of suitable feature licenses.
Product Configurator with NX Open
Generate Assemblies at the push of a button. Within Seconds.
Product configurators are a popular NX Open application for creating additional applications. These enable 3D models to be set up in seconds, including technical drawings in 2D format.
What alternatives are there to NX Open?
In addition to NX Open, there are other tools to automate processes and procedures in NX. In practice, however, these alternatives play a subordinate role. Nevertheless, below you will find a brief overview of the alternatives to NX Open.
- NX Makro
Macros can be used to implement simple automation ideas. To create a macro, record a sequence of commands as they run interactively. This is saved and can be replayed at a later time to perform the same process. The advantage of macros is that they are quick and easy to use compared to NX Open. However, the spectrum of possibilities is very limited. - GRIP
With GRIP, processes can be automated and adapted by the user in Siemens NX. GRIP stands for Graphics Reuse in Programming. Scripts are created with GRIP to perform specific tasks. For example creating geometry or querying or extracting information. Extensive simulations can also be carried out.
GRIP is especially helpful where recurring work is carried out on a regular basis and workflows need to be optimised.
- User Function
The UF framework consists of a programming interface written in C/C++ that allows users to create new functions in NX. This allows users to create their own functions specifically tailored to their needs. User interfaces can be implemented in the UI styler. The functionality of Windows MFC is also available. - Knowledge Fusion
Knowledge Fusion (KF) is a powerful tool in Siemens NX that allows the creation of parametric models and scripts to automate workflows. With KF, users can define rules, equations, and dependencies between different features or components of a model and determine how the model should react in different scenarios. Knowledge Fusion’s goal is to provide a “knowledge-based” modeling environment that allows users to streamline their workflows while minimizing the risk of error. Knowledge Fusion also offers the possibility to create complex scripts that contain many rules and dependencies. These scripts can be integrated into Siemens NX to automate complex workflows and increase efficiency.
Talk to us. We talk NX Open. Fluently.
Describe your problem. We develop your cusomized solution for you.
Our NX Open offering for you
Customized Solution
Customized Automation in NX.
For more than 23 years we have specialized in the conception and development of individual additional applications for the automation of processes. From a small macro to a complex product configurator. We call these solutions: Customized Solutions.
NX Open Training
Become an NX Open expert yourself.
Would you like to develop NX Open software independently? We will show you how to design software and build sustainable NX Open libraries. From beginners to experienced experts. We help you to further develop your skills.
NX Open Support
There for you when you need us
Are you already developing in NX Open and are only looking for specific support? We will be happy to help you and make our know-how available to you as part of a support contingent. Gladly also after an NX Open training.
Customized Solution Examples
Made to Measure
Industrial Manufacturing at batch size 1.
In order to customize standard products in the furniture sector, so-called made-to-measure production was developed together with the company nolte Möbel. This allows gaps of chimneys, sloping ceilings or other geometric boundary conditions of the customer to be taken into account. This makes industrial production with batch size 1 a reality, since production data is derived directly from the 3D models.
Modular Systems
Variants at the bush of a button.
In cooperation with a pump manufacturer, we have succeeded in realizing an abstract basic application for the automatic design of different assemblies in Siemens NX. This allows individualized variants and new series to be generated on the basis of 3D volume models and drawing templates.
Interface Manager
The WYSIWYG Translator for NX.
This customized solution for a customer from the medical sector simplifies the export of DXF/IDWG, IGES and STEP based on the NX data. In contrast to conventional translators, this application also works with unsaved data, so that temporary states (what you see is what you get) can be saved. In addition, component filters can be defined for the output.
Questions about NX Open ?
Talk to our experts and let them inform you about the wide range of possibilities.